As a rule, prayers are meant for wedding ceremonies, and merriment for wedding receptions. However, by including a prayer for wedding reception, you can have a truly unique and special celebration.
If you are a couple of faith, you may want to incorporate one or more prayers into your wedding reception. If God is an important part of your life, including a wedding reception prayer can add a lot of meaning to the celebration.
While the following are a few options, it is best if you use them as samples and form a prayer for wedding reception, on your own. You can look for a quiet place that will boost your thinking process to create a unique prayer and begin.
Once you start getting ideas, jot them down and then frame into a prayer. Don’t worry how it turns out, for the best prayers are from the heart.
Wedding Reception Prayer Samples
Prayer for the Couple
Lord, we thank you for ‘Susan’ and ‘James’. They are a gift and blessing from you, and have filled our lives with love and joy. Lord, you have blessed Susan with an honest, caring spirit, and a great love for you. Father, continue to draw her closer to you, and may she continue to give you honor all the days of her life. Lord, thank you for your protective hand over James through the difficult times in his life. In a life fraught with struggles, he always felt your loving presence and gaze upon him. We know that your love for them is greater than that of a parent’s love. Lord, we thank you for giving them the gift of each other. May their love for each other grow every day. May they always show care and concern for each other, sharing joys, sorrows and burdens. May they always appreciate each other, and when required, forgive each other, as you have so freely forgiven them. Father, protect them from the evils of this world, from the evil of temptation. Lord, in troubled times, bless them with your strength, for your grace alone is sufficient for them. May they learn to depend on you and look to you for guidance. Lord, we ask you to bless them with children, who they will bring up in your way. Lord, we believe that your plan for them is better than anything they could have ever imagined. We ask you to continue to bless and protect them through their time on this earth, till they are reunited with you in your heavenly kingdom. Lord, fill their hearts with love for all your people and may they always put your will above all else. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Note: I have written this prayer for a couple I know. I would advise you to make appropriate changes, including information about the bridal couple instead. This prayer should be said by a person who is close to the couple.
Prayer by the Couple
Father, we thank you for this life and for the gift of love, which has filled our hearts with joy and rejoicing. We praise and thank you Lord, for all the trials and joys that you have blessed us with. Mold our hearts Lord, that we may love each other with a love that is like Jesus love for us: patient, respectful, understanding, honest, forgiving and kind. We ask you to bless our union and help us to remain forever committed to our vows, those we made to each other, and to you, Lord.
May we always be there for the other: a partner to listen and encourage, a refuge from the storm, and most importantly, a warrior in prayer. Fill us every day with fresh infilling of your holy spirit, so that we may live with the purpose of following and serving you. May our lives together bring glory to you, our Savior, and be a testimony of your love. Amen.
Prayer before Dinner
Lord Jesus, we thank you for this wonderful meal and fellowship you have blessed us with. Lord, thank you for always providing for us, and bless this food as well as those who have prepared it. May we never forget those who have, want and are in need and may our eyes and our hearts be alert and our hands be open to give from the abundance you have given us. As we break bread together, we remember your sacrifice and know that you are among us. Amen.
To have a big occasion like a wedding reception go of without a hitch is definitely something to be thankful for, so including a thanksgiving prayer for the reception makes perfect sense. You could use some of these prayers as they are, though ideally, you should incorporate details that would make it appropriate for your reception. You could also start or follow with a gospel song, that would add meaning.