A wedding card can be made that much more special with wedding messages in it. Here are some things to write in a wedding card to turn the card into a wonderful gift.
Point to Remember
It is better to steer clear of humor in the wedding card wordings if you do not share a very close relationship with the couple.
Wedding cards lend a special feel to the wedding day, don’t you think? The sentiments that a person writes in those cards get carried over for years and lets the couple know how much they are loved. It also lets them keep their special day in their memory, so much so that every time they look at the wedding card messages in the card, it transports them to their wedding day and gives them immense pleasure and happiness. Wedding messages also allow a person a medium to write what they want to convey – something that they might not have done in person.
But it’s understandable if one cannot think of things to write in a wedding card or what to say in a wedding card. It is, after all, not something that one does everyday. Which is why this article will help. So go through the following sections for an understanding of how to word a wedding card, and you can also use and draw inspiration from them.
How to Write the Card
It might seem like a gargantuan task when you set out to write the card, but it’s not really difficult if you understand the basic concept behind it. Granted we are not all prolific writers, used to writing prose upon prose of beautiful poetry, but anything that comes from the heart is bound to be beautiful.
Some Important Guidelines
- Think about the relationship that you share with the couple or the bride/groom. This should be the basis of writing the card – whether it should be a formal card or there can be scope for some humor.
- Think of a special memory that you share with the couple and try to include that in the card. This will give it a very personal touch.
- Whether to use humor in the card at all or the degree of humor to be used in a card can get tricky. Make sure that you’re close enough to the couple to write something that borders on the lighter side of marriage.
- The wedding message does not have to be long. In fact, a 4 – 5 line message is just as effective if written well.
Sweet and Meaningful Messages
Nothing gets through the wedding card sentiments quite like a card that has been written with traditional and formal wordings. A sample of these sweet and sentimental messages has been given below.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
Love isn’t finding a perfect person. It’s seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
Love each other without limits and may that love be a fountain of eternity.
You are special just because you are you. It is amazing to witness your love. Congratulations!
You are both the loveliest people in the world, especially when you celebrate your love.
From sunrise to sunset, forever a whisper of love. Congratulations on your marriage.
Here’s wishing each new day finds your hearts closer, your lives fuller, your love deeper. Congratulations on your new life together.
I wish that your love blooms brighter and your marriage grows sweeter by each passing day. Congratulations on your wedding!
My heartiest congratulations to a beautiful couple. Wishing you both a wonderful journey ahead as you make your bond stronger than ever.
May all your days be as joyous and happy as the day of your wedding. Congratulations to the beautiful couple!
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
You don’t marry someone you can live with; you marry the person who you cannot live without.
Wishing you lots and lots of love and happiness on your wedding day. May this day be the start of a blessed and exciting life with one another. All the best to you both.
Congratulations on your wedding, and thank you for letting us be a part of your special day. This wedding is such a joyous occasion because it is so easy to see that you two are perfect for each other and will create so much happiness with your union. May you love and cherish each other for the rest of your days.
Our heartfelt congratulations to the bride and groom. The love you share is an inspiration to everyone who knows you. We wish a world of happiness to the beautiful couple.
May your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine.
Here’s to success in your new titles – bride and groom, husband and wife, and any more you will pick up over the years together.
As you journey together, start each day with a smile and a hug.
May you celebrate every day together and with such joy – the way you have celebrated today.
True happiness and blessings come not in the form of wealth or property but from having found that one person whom you know you cannot live without and admitting it to each other.
Marriages are forever and by looking at the two of you I can see that eternal love exists and it is possible to discover it.
Thank you for letting me have a glance at the true happiness that a couple can experience at having found each other. You two are made for each other.
A marriage is not an easy journey but it becomes easier when you have a partner who will hold your hand no matter what happens. Looking at the two of you, I truly believe that you will safely sail through the stormiest seas.
A wedding is not only an occasion where we all get together to celebrate the union of two human beings but also the occasion where we celebrate the fact that both families are enriched by this union.
You’ll always remember this day. Hope it’s even more beautiful and perfect than you’ve been dreaming, and hope it’s just the start of a lifetime that just gets better and better.
Funny Messages
Many times, the relationship that you share with the couple or the bride/groom allows for the liberty to delve into humor and bring in the lighter side of the union. The following are some of the best funny wedding card messages that you can use.
Let the arguing begin.
The Internet said I should write this.
Love is temporary insanity curable by marriage.
Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of person your spouse would have really preferred.
Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others.
The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.
Yawn – nature’s way of letting married men open their mouths.
Marriage is not a word; it is a sentence.
The most dangerous food is the wedding cake.
Marriage is an adventure, like going to a war.
Marriage is give and take. You’d better give it to her or she’ll take it anyway.
Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.
Your match wasn’t made in heaven. It was made in my bedroom that you two used so often. Congratulations to my best friends for getting married.
Now that you are married, you must master the art of saying yes when you actually want to say no. Congratulations.
A meeting of hearts, a joining of hands and the beginning of a lifelong tug of war – that is the true definition of a wedding.
Your wife complements you perfectly. She shadows all your flaws and accentuates your qualities. Now we know why you decided to get married. Congratulations.
No amount of wishes or luck will protect you from the painful life of slavery you are about to start as a husband.
Do you know what late nights, parties and hanging out with friends on the weekend have in common? You won’t be able to do any of those from now on. Congratulations for your wedding.
Now that you have some wedding card message ideas, it should help you in coming up with the wedding card wordings effortlessly. Make it a good one then and make that couple really, really happy.