Imminent nuptials, but clueless about the wedding vows? Here are some simple wedding vows that will help you to say all that you want to express to your better half.
As I open another chapter in the book of my life, I ask you to be my companion, my best friend, to travel the journey of life with me. With you, my love, I commit here and now, to share all my pleasures and my pains. I promise to stand by you, in every situation of life, best or worst, in adversities or in riches, and in sickness or health. Long ago, you were just a possibility and a prayer. Today, my dearest, I thank Almighty, for giving the wonderful opportunity of beginning a new journey of my life with you. With all the limitless love in my heart, I ask you, my love, to make me a part of your life. Thank you for what you have been to me. With the future unseen, the past buried, with the possibility of all uncertainties and troubles, I promise to protect you, honor you, love you, and respect you. I commit to you, for the rest of my life, to be yours, at every step. May the faith and power of love bond us, eternally. May we be like one single soul, residing in two bodies. I give you my love, myself, my existence, my body, my soul….
One of the most romantic and emotional moments for couples during a wedding ceremony is when they have to say the wedding vows. There is a lot of value attached to wedding vows, as they signify joy and love (present and future), and let the partners express their deepest feelings for one another. As a dedicated partner, you must be anxious to write your own wedding vows. However, the words don’t come easily to everyone. But the matter of fact is that, wedding vows are not meant to show literary skills, rather, they must come right from the bottom of your heart.
Short Wedding Promises
Bride: And with this ring, I, (Name), take you, (Name) to be my husband, before God who brought us together; to love you, cherish you, to submit myself unto you in all things. I promise to follow you through all of life’s experiences, to be with you in all adversities and riches. That through His grace we might grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
I’m proud to be getting married to you, my love. I promise, with all my abilities, to wipe away all your tears, to bring smile to your face during your sorrows and be with you, for rest of my life, as your friend and husband. I’ll cherish our friendship, today, tomorrow and forever. What may come, I’ll always be there. I’ve given you my hand to hold and I give you all my life to keep.
We gather to celebrate the bond of a cute couple, full of love and commitment for each other. One of the popular sayings about marriage is that it is the sharing of a life in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual, and the obligation reciprocal.
(Bride) and (Groom), you are now expected to bring the best individual within you, with a unification of yourself, to create a life together, to share all burden together, with smiles and love. You must, and I’m sure you will, work hard to be the best person to one another.
By this ceremony, you will become legally wedded husband and wife. However, marriage is an integration of two souls, and hence, you both have to ensure that the coming compromises and choices of life, are made out of promises for love, care, and concern for one another.
Life, at sometimes, will be full of obstacles and difficulties. And sometimes, it may appear to be a roller coaster ride. In either of the cases, in all successes and failures, you both have to remain united and stand for each other.
Remember, a life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses. Here, you promise to cross the boundaries of initial love and excitement. To listen, understand, and grow with each other.
Love is meant to intensify your joy, and being together, you have to ensure that you will equally divide all the burdens. If you have truly loved each other, you must promise here and now, to believe in each other. Remain friends with each other, and make a life that makes you feel happy.
Will you (Groom) have this woman to be your wedded wife, to love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, and forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live? (I Will)
Will you, (Bride) take (Groom) to be your wedded husband, to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, and forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live? (I Will)
Hold hands and repeat after me: I, (Groom), take you, (Bride), to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.
I, (Bride), take you, (Groom), to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer of for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.
Rings please… Place the ring on the bride’s finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed.
Place the ring on the groom’s finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed.
In as much as (Bride) and (Groom) have consented together in wedlock, have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vows to each other; by the authority vested in me by the State of ( Name of Your State), I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may now kiss the bride.(Kiss)
Wedding vows are an integral part of wedding traditions in Western culture. In many cases, when an individual is getting married again, after a divorce, or due to other reasons, wedding vows with children are quite popular, and in fact a very sweet gesture, because the children feel involved with the family. Whatever you say, just make sure each word is heartfelt and truthful.